What are OG and WL roles?
What is the OG role on Discord?
According to Urban Dictionary’s most popular definition, OG is an abbreviation of the words ‘Original Gangster’, which is what the term was used for at first.
Today, this term is used by a lot of NFT Communities and has severals meaning, each defined by the Founders.
For Saplings' Collection and many others, OG role is granted to the first user to join the discord server. It is not a special role with any particular privileges or abilities, but is a way of recognizing the first user to join. OG role will provide you many things like private channels, privates giveaways and contests. Giving you more chance to grab a Whitelist spot, win a FREE NFT, etc. ✨ You will also have the possibility to take an active part in shaping the future of this community.
What is the WL role on Discord?
WL is short for WHITELIST. Generally, whitelisted members are able to mint the NFT during the presale period. ⛏️
Imagine there is 10 000 NFTs and 20 000 people want one. If you get the WL role, you will amongst the few ones who get access to the pre-sale, guaranteeing you that you will be able to mint and buy peacefully your NFT.
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